The study programme

Hotel, Tourism and Leisure Services

The Hotel, Tourism and Leisure Services study programme aims to train highly qualified specialists for the tourism and hotel services industry.

The tourism sector is an integral part of the world economy and is regarded as one of the most complex global industries.

The professional training of tourism professionals requires the implementation of the concept of transdisciplinarity, whereby the tourism phenomenon is approached through cross-disciplinary connections. The complexity of approaches in vocational training must enable specialists to master up-to-date knowledge and skills in line with the requirements of today’s global tourism industry.

In the context of the expanding process of tourism globalisation, the specialised curricula must be developed pursuant to UNESCO’s concepts and principles of sustainable development of human society, which can only be promoted and understood via the transdisciplinary system of tourism education.

Tourism sector requires specific qualifications in the training of tourism specialists, which implies a holistic, non-traditional approach to the continuous improvement of professional skills.

The study programme aims to train specialists in the management and administration of companies in the accommodation industry, tour operators, travel agencies and leisure resorts.

At the level of enterprises of this sector, the hotel services, tourism and leisure specialists are responsible for the smooth running of all activities, such as the organization of the process of developing tourism-related products, the sales and distribution of tourism products, the development of itineraries in domestic and international tourism, and the management of the functional departments in hotels (sales, front-office, staff, etc.)

Moreover, the graduates of the Hotel, Tourism and Leisure Services professional training programme are potential entrepreneurs who will generate new jobs and perspectives for tourism, hotel and leisure services development.

The graduates of the Hotel Services, Tourism and Leisure programme are qualified to organise, plan and manage activities both at the level of enterprises in the tourism industry and at the national level, they are also able to draft policies and strategies for tourism sustainable economic development, as well as territorial tourism planning projects, and normative acts in the field of hotel services.

Graduates can continue their studies at Cycle II of higher education – the Master’s programme.


Bachelor of Public Service


Romanian, Russian, English, French


Social Info


  • over 20 years of experience in the industry
  • study programmes coordinated with foreign experts in the framework of international projects
  • academic staff with scientific degrees and internships in universities in Italy, France, and Romania
  • 60 % of programme subjects taught in a foreign language
  • internships in tourist and hotel establishments in the Republic of Moldova, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Turda, etc.
  • scholarships and mobility programs in universities abroad

Employment opportunities

  • travel agency/hotel/restaurant manager
  • commercial director
  • head of operational units in hotels, travel agencies, tour-operating companies
  • tourism manager
  • consultant/travel agency employee
  • guide for travel agencies, etc.

Pregătirea profesională la specialitatea Servicii Hoteliere, Turism și Agrement în ASEM reflectă așteptările companiilor din sfera turismului și serviciilor hoteliere. În procesul de studii, sunt difuzate normele și standardele internaționale în materie de turism și servicii pe care absolvenții acestei specialități le aplică cu succes ulterior în domeniul lor profesional.

Ca manager hotelier, cu un stagiu de aproape 20 de ani, pot afirma cu certitudine că unii dintre cei mai buni absolvenți din domeniul turismului sunt cei de la ASEM.

Veaceslav NANU
Director adjunct, Hotelul Dacia
absolvent 1999