The Marketing and Logistics study programme is designed to train specialists and professionals for general marketing activities, marketing research, as well as the management of marketing, sales or logistics departments of entities.
At the company level, it is the Marketing and Logistics specialist who must ensure the smooth running of multiple activities: research the market, consumer and other factors of the marketing environment; plan and implement the product, price, placement and promotion policy activities, including the personnel policy; organise the company’s marketing department, commercial logistics, all through the use of state-of-the-art information and communication technologies. We would like to mention that Marketing and Logistics graduates will be able to work in both commercial and non-profit companies.
The specialists are trained to carry out marketing activities in enterprises, organizations and State institutions, by designing and implementing marketing programs focused on achieving the organizational objectives; as well as logistics planning and execution.
The graduates of the program can be employed in economic entities and organisations with different forms of ownership (state, private or joint) in various branches of the national economy and are qualified to be economists; purchasing agents, logisticians, commercial agents, marketing and sales specialists, communication specialists – PR, advertising and design, digital, event organisation.
Graduates can continue their studies at Cycle II of higher education – the Master’s programme.
Pentru mine, ASEM a fost un filtru foarte bun în tot ce înseamnă să înveți și să cunoști economie, fie ea sub aspect de management, marketing, finanțe sau contabilitate. În studii am avut o atitudine foarte bună, și doar în acest caz, ASEM mi-a devenit primul ghid în economie. Au fost ani petrecuți cu profesori buni, unii din ei mi-au devenit chiar mentori. Am tratat ASEM ca pe un job, la care vii din plăcere și îl faci în cel mai bun mod. În mare parte, studiile calitative au ținut de mine, iar profesorii din ASEM au fost cei care m-au îndrumat. Doar astfel îți poți valorifica cu adevărat studiile obținute.